It enlightens the religious spirit of Muslims. Such religious programs that include interpretation of quranic versus are very important in the understanding of meanings of Quran. Quran is a graceful religious book and its meaning is very important. Such programs raise religious awareness among Muslims and non Muslims. Thus the month of Ramadan is very delightful for all Muslims of the world. Whether they are sunni or shia, they join their hearts together to get blessed by this gracious month. Children are also very excited to fast at this time; they display their love for Allah by participating with their families in maintaining the purity of Ramadan. Women and men both are busy in offering their prayers day and night to gain God’s blessings.
The Quran which is the holy book of Muslims is specially read and its meaning is also interpreted by renown religious scholars. During Ramadan Muslims are busy in fasting, which means that they sacrifice their needs of food and water during the day. Fasting has many advantages, just not religiously but also science has proved that fasting has health benefits, also by fasting Muslims learn the lessons of patience, importance of food, to stay away from doing bad deeds. To restrain from illegal activities and significantly contribute in developing moral as well as ethical values among Muslims. The occasion of Ramadan brings eternal happiness as it is a powerful source to kindle our souls, the material life does not provide us with satisfaction which is an indication that we can attain the spiritual enlightenment only through our prayers and through following religious activities that we perform.
During Ramadan the prices of home commodities rise excessively from fruits to sugar, it is not possible to purchase all kinds of utilities for even the middle class families. The market prices have devastating affects upon poor families, who are unable to busy minimum monthly supplies due to price inclination. Such situations are very common in creating food rises among such people. However many charity organizations come forward in arranging adequate supplies during the month of fasting. Where month of Ramadan is a blessing for rich population of our societies, they can enjoy the rich flavors of Ramadan. At the same time it is unfortunate for those suffering from poverty that still depends upon other charitable resources in fulfilling their supplies needs
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